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Johnson Ukraine Bill

House Speaker Johnson Floats Voting on Ukraine Aid Bill With Conservative Policies

Johnson Floats Voting on Ukraine Aid Bill With Conservative Policies as Sweeteners

House Speaker Unveils Plan for Weekend Vote

WASHINGTON - House Speaker Mike Johnson announced Wednesday that he is moving forward with his plan to put a series of foreign aid bills to a vote, including aid to Ukraine.

The House voted 316-94 on Wednesday to tee up votes on four separate bills that include aid to Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority.

Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, has scheduled House votes on the aid package for Saturday.

Johnson's plan has drawn criticism from some conservative Republicans, who argue that the United States should not be providing aid to Ukraine.

However, Johnson has defended his plan, saying that the aid is necessary to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression.

In a statement released Wednesday, Johnson said, "The United States has a moral obligation to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. This aid package will provide Ukraine with the resources it needs to continue fighting for its freedom."
