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Jury Discharged In Constance Marten And Mark Gordon Trial

Jury Discharged in Constance Marten and Mark Gordon Trial


Constance Marten, 37, and Mark Gordon are a British couple who disappeared in early 2023. Their abandoned and burning car was discovered near Bolton on January 5th, sparking a widespread search.

Trial Proceedings:

Marten and Gordon were arrested several weeks later in Brighton and charged with manslaughter and child cruelty. Their trial commenced in an Old Bailey court in London.

Majority Direction Given to Jury:

After several days of deliberations, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict. As a result, the judge gave them a majority direction, meaning that they could return a verdict if at least 10 of the 12 jurors agreed.

Discharge of Jury:

Despite the majority direction, the jury remained deadlocked and was unable to reach a verdict. As a result, the judge discharged the jury, ending the trial for the time being.

Next Steps:

It is unclear at this time whether the prosecution will seek a retrial. The case has garnered significant public attention due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Marten, Gordon, and their newborn baby.
